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The North Downs Consort (also known as The North Downs Singers) is a chamber choir of around twenty to twenty five singers. We are based at St. Paul's Woldingham in the heart of Surrey and draw our members from Kent, Sussex, Surrey and South London.


Our aim is first and foremost to enjoy our singing!  Lock-down revealed to us how much we missed joining together for music each week and we were delighted that part of our ‘bounce back’ could be for the Queen’s Jubilee Weekend.

We aim to present a themed programme. The process of learning music and then polishing our performance is a deeply satisfying one, both individually and as a ‘team’! Our repertoire is varied: we aim to include both lesser-known material and more familiar works, to develop all tastes.

We thoroughly enjoy our choral singing both at rehearsals and in performance.

Click for Details of our next Concert

Latest News & Events

Our Spring concert on 16 March 2024, at St Mary’s Church, Caterham, was well-received by an appreciative audience.  The Dvorak Mass in D was a big sing for a small choir, and we all felt very tired at the end of the evening.

We are now preparing for the Summer Concert at the end of June, which will have a much lighter feel.  This will again be at St Mary’s Church, Caterham.

Later in the year, we are providing the music for “Munch with Music”, a lunchtime concert at St John’s Church, Caterham, and have been invited to lead the singing at Woldingham’s “D-Day Celebration” in June and “Carols in the Crescent” in December.  In addition we will have our own Autumn concert at the end of November.

We are always happy to welcome new members and have vacancies in all departments, especially tenors. If you loved choral singing and would like to take it up again, then please get in touch.

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© The North Downs Consort - Registered charity number: 282466

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