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Concerts & Reviews

Past Concert Reviews:  Archive 2021

(There were no concerts in 2020 due to the COVID pandemic)

‘Music is Back’

The music for this concert on 19th November 2021, was chosen to be uplifting, to celebrate the return to singing after lockdown.

Cantate Domino – Giuseppe Pitoni (1657 - 1743)

O sing Joyfully – Adrian Batten (1591 - 1637)

Exsultate Deo – Domenico Scarlatti (1685 - 1757)

Exultate Justi – Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (1560 - 1627)

My spirit sang all day – Gerald Finzi (1901 - 1956)

‘S Wonderful – George Gershwin (1898 - 1937) arr. David Blackwell

The Teddy Bears’ Picnic – John Bratton (1867 - 1947), arr. Andrew Carter

Quick! We have but a second – C.V. Stanford (1852 -1924)

Two choruses from The Creation – Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809)

Achieved is the glorious work

The Heavens are telling

Choruses from Gloria – Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741)

I - Gloria in excelsis

IV - Gratias agimus tibi and
V - Propter magnam gloriam

VII - Domine fili unigenite

XI - Quoniam tu solus sanctus and
XII - Cum Sancto Spiritu

Here is the poster.

The following review was printed in the Woldingham magazine.

“It was a delight to go to a concert again at St Paul’s Church on 13th November, and the first we have attended since the pandemic. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing the North Downs Consort performing an eclectic programme ranging from Haydn’s Creation to Gerschwin’s ’Swonderful.

The choir sounds most professional under the guidance of its inspirational conductor, Iain Cooper. We were also treated to three organ pieces beautifully played by James Norrey on the excellent church organ. Regrettably the usual friendly refreshments during the interval were omitted for Covid restrictions.

The Conductor and most singers come a long way to perform, and we feel these concerts could be better publicised to attract a wider audience from the village.

Jenny and Colin Mander.

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